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heirloom-env Collection of standard Unix utilities (env)
heirloom-file Collection of standard Unix utilities (file)
heirloom-find Collection of standard Unix utilities (find)
heirloom-getconf Collection of standard Unix utilities (getconf)
heirloom-groups Collection of standard Unix utilities (groups)
heirloom-hostname Collection of standard Unix utilities (hostname)
heirloom-id Collection of standard Unix utilities (id)
heirloom-listusers Collection of standard Unix utilities (listusers)
heirloom-ln Collection of standard Unix utilities (ln)
heirloom-logins Collection of standard Unix utilities (logins)
heirloom-logname Collection of standard Unix utilities (logname)
heirloom-ls Collection of standard Unix utilities (ls)
heirloom-mesg Collection of standard Unix utilities (mesg)
heirloom-mkdir Collection of standard Unix utilities (mkdir)
heirloom-mkfifo Collection of standard Unix utilities (mkfifo)
heirloom-mknod Collection of standard Unix utilities (mknod)
heirloom-nice Collection of standard Unix utilities (nice)
heirloom-nohup Collection of standard Unix utilities (nohup)
heirloom-pathchk Collection of standard Unix utilities (pathchk)
heirloom-pgrep Collection of standard Unix utilities (pgrep)
heirloom-priocntl Collection of standard Unix utilities (priocntl)
heirloom-ps Collection of standard Unix utilities (ps)
heirloom-psrinfo Collection of standard Unix utilities (psrinfo)
heirloom-pwd Collection of standard Unix utilities (pwd)
heirloom-renice Collection of standard Unix utilities (renice)
heirloom-rm Collection of standard Unix utilities (rm)
heirloom-rmdir Collection of standard Unix utilities (rmdir)
heirloom-setpgrp Collection of standard Unix utilities (setpgrp)
heirloom-shl Collection of standard Unix utilities (shl)
heirloom-sort Collection of standard Unix utilities (sort)
heirloom-split Collection of standard Unix utilities (split)
heirloom-stty Collection of standard Unix utilities (stty)
heirloom-sync Collection of standard Unix utilities (sync)
heirloom-tapecntl Collection of standard Unix utilities (tapecntl)
heirloom-tee Collection of standard Unix utilities (tee)
heirloom-touch Collection of standard Unix utilities (touch)
heirloom-tsort Collection of standard Unix utilities (tsort)
heirloom-tty Collection of standard Unix utilities (tty)
heirloom-uname Collection of standard Unix utilities (uname)
heirloom-users Collection of standard Unix utilities (users)
heirloom-who Collection of standard Unix utilities (who)
heirloom-whoami Collection of standard Unix utilities (whoami)
heirloom-whodo Collection of standard Unix utilities (whodo)
heirloom-xargs Collection of standard Unix utilities (xargs)
heirloom-yes Collection of standard Unix utilities (yes)
hexyl Command-line hex viewer
hfsutils Command Line Interface HFS (not HFS+) disk access tools
hivex Library for reading Windows Registry hive files
hs-byteorder Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system
hs-co-log-core Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
hs-dbus Client library for the D-Bus IPC system
hs-dir-traverse Simple directory traversal library
hs-directory-ospath-streaming Stream directory entries in constant memory in vanilla IO
hs-disk-free-space Retrieve information about disk space usage
hs-easy-file Cross-platform File handling
hs-fast-logger Fast logging system
hs-fdo-notify Desktop Notifications client
hs-filelock Portable interface to file locking (flock / LockFileEx)
hs-filemanip Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell
hs-filepath-bytestring Library for manipulating RawFilePaths in a cross platform way
hs-filepattern File path glob-like matching
hs-hostname Library to determine the hostname
hs-hslogger Versatile logging framework
hs-hslua-module-path Lua module to work with file paths
hs-mountpoints List mount points
hs-opentelemetry The OpenTelemetry Haskell Client
hs-posix-paths POSIX filepath/directory functionality
hs-process-extras Process extras
hs-rawfilepath Use RawFilePath instead of FilePath
hs-temporary Portable temporary file and directory support
hs-typed-process Run external processes, with strong typing of streams
htop Enhanced version of top utility
hw-probe Check operability of computer hardware and find drivers
hwdata Hardware identification and config data
hytctl Admin tool to read/write HYT 221/271/939 device EEPROM values
i2ocfg I2O configuration dialog gateway
i3status Small program for generating a status bar
i810switch Switch LCD/CRT 855/865/915 Intel chips
iat ISO9660 analyzer tool
icingaweb2 (V) PHP-based Web UI for Icinga
idesk Lightweight desktop icons handler
imx_usb_loader SDP bootloader for Freescale i.MX5/i.MX6/i.MX7 and Vybrid SoC
install-sh Install script compatible with the BSD install program
intel-backlight Tool for controlling backlight level on certain Intel GPUs
intel-microcode-netbsd Firmware updates for Intel x86 processors
intellij-fsnotifier File system monitoring utility for IntelliJ IDEA IDE
ioping Monitor I/O latency in real time
ipa Pluggable accounting system
ipmitool Command-line utility for managing IPMI devices
ipw-firmware Firmware binary images for ipw(4) driver
ir-account Copy accounts among systems and manage sudo privs
isapnptools Manually query and configure isapnp devices
iwi-firmware Firmware binary images for iwi(4) driver
iwi-firmware3 Firmware binary images for iwi(4) driver
iwn-firmware Firmware binary image for the iwn(4) driver
k3b DVD and CD authoring program
kcron Configure and schedule tasks
kdbusaddons Addons to QtDBus
kdf Show mount points and disk usage under KDE desktop
kf6-baloo Framework for searching and managing metadata